The Minns Labor Government has cited dubious operational reasons to cut the proposed Hungry Point Cronulla clifftop walkway in half.

The previous Liberal Government had funded the entire clifftop walkway. A dedicated volunteer board (led by retired Sutherland Shire Council general manager John Rayner) had organised detailed planning and approvals for the walkway.

Now, with the walkway ready to go to tender, the Minns Labor Government has instead stood over Sutherland Shire Council, threatening the loss of the clifftop walkway and a takeover of the entire site by Marine Rescue NSW unless Council conforms to the Government’s conditions for Council to co-manage the site.

The part of the walkway that will still be built remains excellent news for the Shire community and beyond. However, the decision to cancel the rest of the walkway is a lost opportunity to have a complete walking loop around the South Cronulla peninsula.

The Government is relying on absurd ‘operational’ grounds to cancel half the walkway. Other rescue services like the SES, fire stations and surf clubs don’t require the closure of public land around them. Marine Rescue NSW supported a complete walkway when it was seeking to have a training academy built on the site and its own data suggest only several movements a day across a complete walkway.

At a time when the Minns Labor Government is pushing more housing density, including in southern Sydney, the last thing we should be doing is closing off public space. Instead the Government has blackmailed the Council by threatening the entire walkway project and threatening a Marine Rescue takeover of the entire site, if the Council didn’t capitulate to its bullying.


Lands and Property Minister Steve Kamper could offer no details as to why the full Hungry Point walkway could not proceed, when quizzed in the Budget Estimates hearing today.

Neither Marine Rescue NSW nor Minister Kamper have offered any explanation of what has changed since Marine Rescue lodged its expression of interest (EOI) for a training academy with the former Hungry Point Reserve Land Manager and its application with the Heritage Council for approval of the proposed academy.

In its EOI, Marine Rescue identified no issues at all with the walkway, already being familiar with the site having been present for several years by that time. In fact, it stated:

Marine Rescue NSW supports the State Government’s commitment to the construction of walking paths to link the Reserve to the Esplanade and Cronulla. The Academy proposal envisages that the existing coastal walkway will be extended, entering the Reserve site immediately to the north of the built precinct, linking Salmon Haul Reserve and Darook Park.

In addition, the walkaway will be extended to the southern-most point of the Reserve and again entering the built precinct connecting to Darook Park, enabling visitors to enjoy the views over Port Hacking.

Marine Rescue provided a traffic study to the Heritage Council which suggested an average of six vehicle movements a day at a boom gate on the driveway which will cross the proposed walkway. Its plans showed a walkway around the entire point.

Marine Rescue was quite prepared to co-exist with a walkway when it was seeking permission for a training academy. Now it relies on safety issues to stop the full walkway to go ahead. The Minister should do his job and demand an explicit answer to what has changed since.

The truth is that nothing appears to have changed, “safety” concerns are spurious and the Minister is looking allowing a grab of public land by Marine Rescue to go ahead.


The Minns Labor Government is looking to scrap part of the Hungry Point clifftop walkway.

The outgoing Liberal Government planned and funded ($7 million) a spectacular clifftop walkway around Hungry Point Cronulla between Salmon Haul Bay and Darook Park. This would be a southern extension of the Esplanade – and allow an uninterrupted iconic walking loop around the South Cronulla peninsula (including along Gunnamatta Bay except at high tide).

The volunteer members of the board of the Hungry Point Reserve Land Manager have finalised detailed plans, secured heritage approval and expect an Aboriginal Impact Permit shortly; the project is ready to go out for tender. However the Government is instead looking at cancelling the project between the Marine Rescue NSW wharf and Darook Park and giving Marine Rescue NSW exclusive access to much of the site.

I have called on the Labor Government, and Lands and Property Minister Steve Kamper in particular, to clear the air immediately and confirm that the whole walkway will go ahead.

I encourage you to urgently sign my petition here and to encourage your neighbours and friends to do so as well.


I’m delighted that the Kamay wharves project (reinstatement of wharves at Kurnell and La Perouse) has now received final planning approval from the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).

The replacement wharves will allow a ferry connection between Kurnell and La Perouse for the first time in over 45 years. The ferry will allow people to access Kamay Botany Bay National Park by water. The wharves could also be used by small commercial vessels and recreational boats and people wanting to fish from the wharves.

I expect construction will start later this year.

This project is part of the NSW Government’s investment of over $70 million in upgrading park facilities, including a new visitor centre (construction commencing this year), new public art (installed) and new whale watching platform (completed) (plus $25 million funding from the Commonwealth), as well as previously upgraded walking tracks.

It also complements the NSW Government’s Great Southern Walk project, with a 67km walking track from Kurnell to Sublime Point (with ferry link from Cronulla to Bundeena). 

The wharves will help recognition and enjoyment of the park as a site of enormous cultural, historical and environmental significance.


Construction has started on stage two of the Sutherland-Cronulla Active Transport Link (SCATL) as the NSW Government’s record investment in walking and cycling continues to improve local communities.

Construction of the second stage begins next week and will link the Kingsway at Jackson Avenue, Miranda to Denman Avenue and Gannons Road, Caringbah.

SCATL will help locals to leave the car at home when they need to get to the shops, work, school or to enjoy our beautiful Shire.

Construction of stage two will start with the east section, while consultation will continue on the western leg of the project between Jackson Avenue and Sylvania Road, Miranda.

Early works will start with setting up of fencing and barriers adjacent to Malvern Road reserve, surveying, and putting erosion and sediment controls in place.

Transport for NSW is continuing survey and design work along the route to ensure impacts on vegetation can be reduced during construction.

The community will have an opportunity to comment on a revised route for Stage 2 West later this year, to be followed by detailed design and planning for Stage 3 through Woolooware and Cronulla.

I’m delighted that the entire SCATL project to connect Sutherland and Cronulla is now fully funded. 


Grays Point’s Lisa Tilsed and Cronulla’s Adriarn Crane, who together founded Wondering Women, have been named as joint winners of the 2023 Cronulla Woman of the Year Award.

Lisa and Adriarn have shown great passion and dedication over the last seven years to supporting women to lead active and fulfilling lives.

After starting out as a group to open up hiking to a broad range of women, Wondering Women is now engaging members in a range of activities and causes to help enrich the lives of women of all ages.

It’s testament to their hard work and enthusiasm that the organisation has grown to 2,100 members across the Sutherland Shire and a further 250 in the Bayside area.

As well as arranging activities and development opportunities to help women achieve personal growth, Lisa and Adriarn have driven efforts by members to give back to the community, such as fundraising for charities and a successful drive for household items to support people affected by the floods in northern NSW.

Lisa and Adriarn continue to work in successful careers alongside their hard work to grow and develop the Wondering Women community.

More information on Wondering Women is available on Facebook.


I was delighted to join school, P&C and student leaders at Cronulla High School to turn the first sod to officially mark the start of construction of new state-of-the-art facilities.

The major upgrade at Cronulla High School will deliver 10 new permanent learning spaces, a new canteen, administration areas, and upgraded student and staff amenities, providing high quality modern facilities that will transform the school to meet the needs of Cronulla High students and staff.

Thank you to Principal Tony Ibrahim, Cronulla High staff and members of the P&C for their input into the design. Their work will mean the school has impressive and fit for purpose facilities to meet the needs of the school community for many years to come.

Work on the project will be completed and handed over in stages. A new building with canteen, toilets and six learning spaces will be completed first. This will be followed by the second new building to accommodate administration facilities and four new learning spaces. Car park works, new landscaping and refurbishment work to create new staff amenities will also be carried out. The entire project is expected to be finished by early 2025.

In addition to this upgrade project, work will begin within the next week or so to upgrade the Cronulla High School hall and expand it by around 50%. This will allow all students to be accommodated inside the hall at the one time.

Replacement shade structure works were completed in January 2023 in time for the first day of the school year.


Eight community sport organisations across the Cronulla electorate will share in $50,000 of funding under the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program.

The successful projects will help promote local participation in a range of sports and provide a welcome boost for the dedicated volunteers and participants at eight of local sporting organisations.

The projects funded by the grants will help provide better equipment, facilities, training and events to help encourage kids and adults to get involved in sport and lead active and healthy lifestyles.

The projects receiving grants are:

  • Cronulla-Caringbah Sharks JRLFC (canteen upgrade) $10,000
  • Cronulla Youth Weight Training Association (new carpet in training area) $10,000
  • Sutherland Shire Junior Cricket Association (new shade gazebos) $10,000
  • Cronulla Seagulls Football Club (covers for synthetic pitch area) $6,367
  • Cronulla Sharks Boardriders (education and training for juniors) $5,773
  • Surfing Sutherland Shire (first aid and shark attach response training) $3,610
  • Southside Malibu Club (replacement of core equipment) $2,250
  • Elouera Boardriders Club (competition / event costs) $2,000.

Grants of between $2,000 and $10,000 per project were available with up to $50,000 available in each electorate.

More information about the program is available here


The Sutherland Shire now has a new $7 million MRI facility close to home, as part of the NSW Liberal and National Government’s $88.5 million boost to Sutherland Hospital’s new Operating Theatre Complex.

This means that for the first time in the history of Sutherland Hospital patients can access an MRI on site providing physicians and patients with immediate access to an additional state-of-the-art diagnostic tool.

It will enhance patients’ access to first-class, quality healthcare without the need to travel out of the Shire.

The NSW Government responded to local residents who had campaigned to secure an MRI service for Sutherland Hospital.

The launch of the MRI service is in addition to the $62.9 million redevelopment of Sutherland Hospital, part of the NSW Government’s $160 million investment in health services for the Sutherland community.



Patron of North Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club and surf lifesaving servant for 65 years Warren Rennie AM has been announced as the 2023 Cronulla Senior of the Year.

After more than six decades, Warren continues to serve the community with so much passion and energy.

Warren’s enthusiasm comes from knowing that surf lifesaving is about saving lives and his unwavering commitment over such a long time is an inspiration to so many people.

He has provided strong leadership in many roles at the club and the fact that he continues to serve as a patrol member says so much about his dedication to serving others.

Warren typifies the amazing volunteer spirit we have in the Shire and I congratulate him and the other finalists who continue to make a difference for our community in their senior years.

I thank all of our local seniors for the valuable volunteer work they do for so many organisations and groups.

The 2023 Cronulla Senior of the Year was presented was part of the NSW Seniors Festival Local Achievement Awards held to coincide with the annual NSW Seniors Festival, which is the biggest festival of its kind in the southern hemisphere, reaching up to 500,000 seniors each year.

Seven finalists were presented with awards at the function attended by family, friends and representatives of the organisations where they volunteer.

The other local achievement award winners were:

Laraine Lucas, Cronulla
Volunteer service to SRE (special religious education), bringing her experience as a teacher and school principal to teaching and overseeing training of SRE volunteers.

Pat Pender, Caringbah
Volunteer service to community radio 2SSR since 2006 as a regular program presenter and roles as membership services officer and program manager.

Richard Pinker, Caringbah South
Decades of volunteer service to Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club including as president, life member, committee member, in fundraising and a member on beach patrols.

Robert Short, Burraneer
Volunteer service over several decades to Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club, including as president, life member, committee member, district inspector and beach patrol member.

Jan Taylor, Grays Point
Volunteer service over more than 20 years to Sutherland Shire Council Bushcare and at the Shire’s Community Nursery and as an active member of the Australian Plants Society Sutherland Group.

Ian Toll, Gymea
Volunteer service over more than 50 years as a founding and life member of Elouera Surf Life Saving Club, serving in roles including club president, current chair of the Shire district life saving council, as well as more than 55 years as a Justice of the Peace.